Your product images have different shapes. They are all rectangles, but some are tall and not wide. Others are wide and not tall. This is what is meant by different aspect ratios.
Like every theme I have seen, the product blocks are all the same width. This means the height of the images will vary. This is what I see on your site. I think its the best appearance where images have different aspect ratios.
If you want to make all the images the same height, there are alternatives. The alternatives may work for some people but would not be suitable for your images.
– Set a fixed image height using css. Some images would be squashed and some would be stretched. This distortion would look very strange in my view.
– Crop the images to a uniform size. Tall images would lose a bit off the top and a bit off the bottom. This is called hard-cropping. There are “hard-crop” settings at:
Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Images
I think for your products, cropped images would look awful.
– Before uploading your images to WooCommerce, edit them in an image editor to make them all the same aspect ratio. Add some white margins to the images where needed. This would be a lot of work and not look so good for your products.
To summarise, I think your layout and thumbnails are as good as they can be, because your product images have different aspect ratios.