• I’m sure it’s a setting I’ve messed up, but I can’t find it for the life of me.

    Every pic I’ve uploaded since, seemingly regardless of settings, shows up in the post in the size specified for thumbnails, but it’s not a clickable link to the fullsize. It’s a simple image tag, not a link. Nothing was changed other than the firmware upgrade, and I have another blog running WP 2.7 that doesn’t seem to have this issue.

    Sorry if its been covered, but the “image, link, post”, etc are so common, it’s near impossible to find relevant results with a search.

    The site in question is https://www.sigsays.com


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  • Thread Starter mzsigler


    Just noticed that galleries work fine, but individual pictures do not…

    go to theme editors and change the value of ‘.entry a img’ or something like that in Stylesheet(style.css). it worked for me.

    Thread Starter mzsigler


    Change the value to what? All I see is the usual padding, border, etc values…

    I’m having the same problem. I think it’s to do with the way a post is created, as older posts still link their images to the full-size ones. It’s only posts I’ve made since upgrading to 2.7 that don’t link.

    Is it perhaps something to do with the Flash Uploader? I’m using Firefox 3 on a Mac and in the Flash Uploader, I can’t see the Upload button. It’s there, as I can click on the blank space where it should be and upload a file, but you can’t see the button!

    Spiel – what exactly did you change and what did you change it to?



    Thread Starter mzsigler



    I’m also using FF3, but I used the browser uploader, and I’m running Vista Ultimate. Also, galleries behave as they should, thumbnails link to fullsize. Individual images do not.

    Hi mzsigler,

    I’ve tried both the Flash and Browser uploader but get the same problem as you do.

    Thread Starter mzsigler


    Mark: Have you tried a gallery? As my logic goes, if it’s not just a fluke on my part, as in, if it works in galleries but not single pics, that indicates a code error…

    2.7 Admin Page -> Appearance -> Editor -> Stylesheet(style.css)

    and change the max-width value of
    .entry a img {border:1px solid #ddd;max-width:800px;padding:2px;}

    that’s what i did.
    maybe it was a different problem which i had before

    Try clicking in “File URL” under “Link URL”, just after “description”, in the Add Image Dialog. These appear after you have uploaded the image. If you leave the field blank, the image won’t link to anything.

    (I’m not sure about the labels, because my wp is in another language, but hopefully you’ll understand what I mean…)

    Hi renato_s,

    That’s the one! Many thanks. It’s obvious now you’ve pointed it out ??



    Thread Starter mzsigler


    Nice, that solved it for me too.

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