OK. I’m done with the functionality and the CSS styling. I just have to add the new options to the shortcode generator and the tutorials tabs.
You will first enable thumbnails with thumbnails=true
You will then get another five options that will come up if true is selected. The first three will be used to determine whether we generate the thumb or not on page load:
maximgbytes, maximgwidth, maximgheight
These will have defaults (I’m thinking, 1887436.8, i.e. 1.8MB, 3000, 2500.) if you leave those atts out of the shortcode. Or you can specify your own. You’ll have to specify the maximgbytes in bytes though, a pure integer, not 2MB or something. (Just cause I don’t want to have to run a function to convert it myself, thus creating that much more overhead.)
So it will compare the settings for those three with the bytes, width and height of each image, and if the image is bigger in at least one of three respects, it will output the filetype icon, not the thumbnail.
That way you can fine tune it on a per table basis, if you’re picky like that.
The other two attributes you will have will be:
thumbstyle, graythumbs
thumbstyle has a fixed set of options: widerounded, widesharp, squarerounded, squaresharp, oval, and circle. If it’s a wide or oval, the width of the generated thumb will be 1.5 times the height. Otherwise, height/width same.
graythumbs=true will turn the thumbnails black and white. Leave it out of the shortcode for their native color.
Except this within a day or so.