Hi raphaefeli. Here’s what appears to be happening. The default WP “thumbnail” size is 150×150, unless it’s been changed or the “hard crop” option has been turned off. In your case, since the default “thumbnail” size is different for different images, it appears either one or both of those options has been changed. In your gallery, where the image containers are using the “attachment-thumbnail” class (which is the default WP “thumbnail”), the thumbnail image sizes vary, including 128×72, 128×85, 128×88, 128×92. When the image is displayed it is styled for width:100% and height:auto. Since the image container is 209px wide, the image is expanded proportionately. So, for example, if the image is 128×72, and the container width is 209px, that’s a factor of 1.6328. Multiply the image height 72 x 1.6328 and you get 117px. If the image height is 92px, the result is 92 x 1.628 = 149px.
You mentioned “they were working previously” so not sure what changed between then and now. Running Regenerate Thumbnails won’t change anything unless the default image sizes or the cropping option have been modified.
Here is another reference for WP image cropping. Hope that helps.