Hey, we’re really sorry to hear you disappointed, but we have adopted the principle of having three “release channels”:
– one is this plugin you already installed called WordPress Related Posts,
– the second one is the one I forwarded you to (called Related Posts by Zemanta) and which requires a registration,
– and the third one is the most basic one called Related Posts (and which requires no registration at all).
Since we are working really hard to cover all the technical specifications of all blogs out there (which is no small task), we can now —in the meantime— only redirect our users to our other plugins, which have different thumbnailers; which hopefully extract their images correctly.
I can of course completely understand if you do not wish to create an account with our service, but in this case I would recommend you to try our third option — the Related Posts plugin (no registration required). Here’s the link if you wish to try it out:
As said before — we are working hard to fix our thumbnailer that’ll fit all websites out there, but I’m afraid this is taking us longer than expected.
We do however try our best to find some workaround for our users and to help them as much as we can.
Please do let me know if you have any more questions or if you need any kind of additional assistance — I’m here to help!
Take care & I’m looking forward to your reply!