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  • No. Don’t use that or anything like that.

    As said, only after upgrading to the latest version, the thumbs disappeared. The site is running 0.9.5 without any issues.

    But when i upgrade to 0.9.6 it does not work (even on a local dev setup).

    Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    I just curious what is causing the issue. Is this because I use Aqua Resizer or somthing else. If you find something please let me know.

    Is there a way where we can remove the Aqua Resizer and test it to see if it works?

    I figured out the lines of code that are causing this issue

    // Experiment!
    					// Cropping image using Aqua Resizer
    					$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
    					$img_url  = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_id, 'full' ); // Get img URL.
    					$image    = aq_resize( $img_url, $args['thumb_width'], $args['thumb_height'], true ); // Resize & crop img.
    					$html .= '<li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix">';
    						if ( $args['thumb'] ) :
    							// Check if post has post thumbnail.
    							if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
    								$html .= '<a href="' . esc_url( get_permalink() ) . '"  rel="bookmark">';
    									$html .= '<img class="' . $args['thumb_align'] . ' rpwe-thumb get-the-image" src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( get_the_title() ) . '">';

    I replaced the above codes with the below

    // Experiment!
    					// Cropping image using Aqua Resizer
    					//$thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();
    					//$img_url  = wp_get_attachment_url( $thumb_id, 'full' ); // Get img URL.
    					//$image    = aq_resize( $img_url, $args['thumb_width'], $args['thumb_height'], true ); // Resize & crop img.
    					$html .= '<li class="rpwe-li rpwe-clearfix">';
    						if ( $args['thumb'] ) :
    							// Check if post has post thumbnail.
    							if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) :
    								$html .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '"  rel="bookmark">';
    									$html .= get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(),
    										array( $args['thumb_width'], $args['thumb_height'], true ),
    											'class' => $args['thumb_align'] . ' rpwe-thumb the-post-thumbnail',
    											'alt'   => esc_attr( get_the_title() )
    								$html .= '</a>';

    and it worked.

    Basically i commented out the Aqua Resizer part and then replaced the post thumbnail code with the code from the previous version and it works fine.

    I’m seeing the same missing thumbnails problem. When I downgraded the plugin, even though I had my particular post category checked to filter those posts, the widget still showed all uncategorized blog posts. I updated the plugin through the wordpress update page, deleted and re-added the widget, it shows the posts but the thumbnails are still missing/broken.

    Thumbnails are showing up when I downgrade, but the categories are being ignored now.


    See my post above yours. Edit the functions.php and replace the code with what i posted, it should work.

    Until Satrya posts a fix, you can use that.

    @praveen Kumar, I made sure to only comment out and replace the lines that you wrote out in the plugin’s functions.php file, but it causes my whole site to show a blank screen unfortunately.

    That should not happen at all.

    Are you using the latest version or the previous version? the code works fine on the latest version. I have tested it locally and it is on my live site as well.

    That was definitely it. In the mix of downgrading and re-updating the plugin, my local copy was still the previous version. I replaced the code you indicated and it’s working now. Thanks! Hopefully the next update patches this so I don’t lose these fixes.

    guys sorry for the silly question but the images never worked for me do i have to have Aqua Resizer installed for it to work. how can i begin to make the images show? thanks. I do have a featured image on all my posts.

    Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    Hmm.. I’m sorry I’m still investigating the issue. Maybe I should make a fallback to the WordPress thumbnail function.

    Praveen Kumar can you tell me the steps to have the images to work? thanks which page to put the aqua resizer and how? its very much appreciated.


    1. You do not need aqua resizer.
    2. Install the plugin.
    3. Ensure your theme supports featured images and you have set featured images for your posts.
    here is a nice tutorial
    4. Add the widget.

    If the thumbnails do not appear and you HAVE featured images set, then replace the code as i have mentioned above.

    Plugin Author Ga Satrya


    Hi Kumar,
    Please try to add <?php var_dumb( $thumb_id ); ?> on your local dev, but please swtich back to the original code. What do you see?

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