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  • Looks good. I really like how you have the little excerpt in each post.

    love the pull quote just what i was looking for . your site looks great;)

    I like ht pull quote too…. mind if I ask how you done did that?

    Just noticed a little glitch – when you hover over the days with posts in the calendar, the added bottom border makes the rest of the calendar jump a pixel. This can be easily fixed by setting the non-hover border to 1px solid white ??

    the right column goes on and on and on on opera.
    and one firefox too……

    Thread Starter thunderbyrd


    Wow! I never expected so many replies here in one day! Thanks for the kudos, and I’ll fix the other stuff “right soonly now”.
    If you like the site, tell your friends. Input and comments on the site are welcomed.

    Thread Starter thunderbyrd


    About the pullquotes & excerpts… the following code has to be inserted into your .css layout file:
    .pullquote p {
    float: left;
    width: 125px;
    font-family: Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif;
    text-align: left;
    display: inline;
    padding: 7px;
    background-color: #F1F1F1;
    border-color: #CCC;
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 1px 0 1px;
    margin: 25px 10px auto 0px;
    font-size: 80%;
    .pullquote p:first-letter {
    font-weight: bold;
    font-size: larger;
    You’ll want to change the colour, etc. to suit your own tastes.
    Now… you can either have the pullquotes generated automatically, or you can put them in yourself.
    To put them in yourself, just use a <p class=”pullquote>Text to be in the pullquote</div>
    To have them generated automatically insert the following into your index.php like so:
    <div class=”pullquote”>
    <?php the_excerpt(); ?>
    Just above the existing lines:
    <div class=”storycontent”>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    It is very important to note that in order to use the automatic function of the pullquotes, you must use the advanced editing mode when entering your post, and you must provide an excerpt to be used, otherwise the pullquote will contain nearly the entire text of the post!
    And… the pullquote .css code was provided most generously to me by
    Any other comments or questions, please feel free to leave me an e-mail, comment on the board, or a message here.

    Thread Starter thunderbyrd


    Sorry about that, but some of that got munged!
    To use it manually:
    <p class="pullquote">This is the text you want quoted</div>
    I forgot the backticks <blush />

    Thread Starter thunderbyrd


    Follow up:
    Calendar hover : fixed
    Menu length : fixed
    Shiny Stats : added

    Thread Starter thunderbyrd


    My most humble apologies, but I’ve done it again! My only excuse for this is that I have been battling a brutally vicious migraine all day.
    To use the pullquote manually, it is:
    <p class="pullquote">Text
    And not:
    <div class="pullquote">Text</div>
    Again, I’m sorry for the mix up.

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