• Resolved grape


    I’ve just set the (free version) plugin up and made the product and have it linked to the raffle. BUT, for some reason, the ticket image in the cart and checkout are not displaying, even though I have have “Generate, Reserve, and Show Raffle tickets at checkout” enabled, “Generate Raffle Tickets for Order Status” are all turned on as well.

    Since I can’t find and Test Mode, the product is set to hidden in Catalog visibility.

    I’d appreciate any ideas on what’s to do.

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  • Plugin Author dan009



    Are the tickets generating fine after checkout?

    Did you enable the option to show ticket background image?

    what is the website you need assistance with?



    Thread Starter grape


    I want them to show up in the checkout. I haven’t completed a full checkout (again.. I can’t find the test mode- if there is one)

    Yes, that option is selected.

    Sorry, I thought I had sent the url in the first:


    Plugin Author dan009


    Hi @grape

    I see you are using standard checkout. Do you have a custom template for it? Is your theme modifying it? Or is it multisetp? You need to change the location where the tickets will display. Maybe you have hooks removed from the checkout, in the template, as that’s how the theme is designed.

    I’ve place an image. You need to try one by one the locations stated in the raffle plugin (view image) and see where the tickets are displaying.

    Hope you get my point. After you try it, let me know the result.

    Thread Starter grape


    Brilliant! Thanks so much, it was indeed changing where it was displayed.

    I hadn’t modified the checkout page, maybe the express checkout messed it up (?) but it is now showing after order total. thanks again

    Plugin Author dan009


    Great. Can this topic be closed?


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