• Hi, I use this plugin because I can not find anyone that is faster than this one.

    I do have three questions:

    1) when I insert normal images I have to check ‘allow title from thumbnail alt tag’ to get a title. But on every image I fill in a title and alt, so why is it not enough I only check ‘show title’?

    2) when I use tiled gallery from Jetpack it does not show me any title. When I look in the source Jetpack forgot to put an alt tag in the html, but there is a title tag that could be used for Easy fancybox, but like question 1, this is not working for me for some reason…

    <img data-attachment-id="375" data-orig-file="https://oudisnieuw.net.websrv.makeweb.nl/images/landelijke-meubels-landelijk-wonen.jpg" data-orig-size="510,680" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{&quot;aperture&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;credit&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;camera&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;caption&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;created_timestamp&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;copyright&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;focal_length&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;iso&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;shutter_speed&quot;:&quot;0&quot;,&quot;title&quot;:&quot;&quot;}" data-image-title="Landelijke meubels – Landelijk wonen" data-image-description="" data-medium-file="https://oudisnieuw.net.websrv.makeweb.nl/images/landelijke-meubels-landelijk-wonen-225x300.jpg" data-large-file="https://oudisnieuw.net.websrv.makeweb.nl/images/landelijke-meubels-landelijk-wonen.jpg" src="https://i0.wp.com/oudisnieuw.net.websrv.makeweb.nl/images/landelijke-meubels-landelijk-wonen.jpg?resize=200%2C267" align="left" title="Landelijke meubels - Landelijk wonen" data-recalc-dims="1" style="width: 200px; height: 265px;">

    3) Is there maybe also the possibilty to show the caption instead of title/alt?

    Can you please help me out with this problem?


    Kind regards,



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  • Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    About question 3 if I can show the caption, I found this topic: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-easy-fancybox-using-captions?replies=8.

    In inserted the script but no caption is showed. Not on my normal inserted images, not from my tiled jetpack gallery.

    My page link: https://oudisnieuw[dot]net.websrv.makeweb.nl/stoelen/cafestoelen/

    Kind regards,


    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi, anybody here who can help me ?? ?

    Kind regards,


    Hi Willem, your link is dead… Can you share another one?

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi, please replace ‘dot’ with a real dot.

    https://oudisnieuw [dot] net.websrv.makeweb.nl/stoelen/cafestoelen/

    Kind regards,


    ah, yes… it seems the tiled gallery method strips the alt attribute from the img tag. and have you filled the image title fields too or only the alt fields?

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Hi, on the image I use both title, alt and caption. See question 1:

    1) when I insert normal images I have to check ‘allow title from thumbnail alt tag’ to get a title. But on every image I fill in a title and alt, so why is it not enough I only check ‘show title’?

    It’s true Jetpack only uses title in the HTML output, see question 2.

    However, I don’t understand, when I check ‘show title’ in your plugin, this is not showing me the title of the images.

    I also had an other question, question 3:

    3) Is there maybe also the possibilty to show the caption instead of title/alt?

    However, I don’t understand, when I check ‘show title’ in your plugin, this is not showing me the title of the images.

    Because FancyBox takes the title from the link title attribute or (if there is no title attribute and if the “title from alt” option is checked) the alt attribute of the thumbnail image. But because the thumbnails/links in tiled galleries seem to be rendered without either of these attributes, there is nothing FancyBox can find as valid title.

    3) Is there maybe also the possibilty to show the caption instead of title/alt?

    Not at this point. It might find its way into a future release…

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Because FancyBox takes the title from the link title attribute or (if there is no title attribute and if the “title from alt” option is checked) the alt attribute of the thumbnail image. But because the thumbnails/links in tiled galleries seem to be rendered without either of these attributes, there is nothing FancyBox can find as valid title.

    1) This part is about inserting normal images into a blogpost.

    I don’t know what you exactly mean with the link title attribute.
    When the html is like this:
    <img title="imgtitle" alt="imgalt"....
    and I only have checked ‘show title’, the plugin does not show the title. Or do you mean with link title attribute it should be like this:
    <a title="linktitle"...... </a><img....

    2)About Jetpack tiled gallery, they use:
    <img title="imgtitle"...
    so depending on your answer on question 1 Easy Fancybox maybe can not find this as valid title right?

    Hope to hear from you.

    Kind regards,


    Hoi Willem,

    I don’t know what you exactly mean with the link title attribute.

    The link tag is the whole <a ... /a> part. Its attributes are href, title, class and others, see https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_a.asp for more. An image tag (showing the thumbnail in WordPress) is the part <img ... /> which has the obvious src attribute and can have alt, class, desc and other attributes as well. However, title is not an officially supported attribute for image tags (see https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_img.asp) but you’ll see it used a lot anyway and browsers often use it for the mouse hover tooltip text.

    When the html is like this:
    <img title="imgtitle" alt="imgalt"....
    and I only have checked ‘show title’, the plugin does not show the title. Or do you mean with link title attribute it should be like this:

    FancyBox takes the title from the LINK tag title attribute. And if you have checked the option ‘Allow title from alt’ then it will look for an alt attribute on the THUMBNAIL image tag as well (only if there is no title attribute for the link tag). This is just the way FancyBox is built.

    2)About Jetpack tiled gallery, they use:
    <img title="imgtitle"...
    so depending on your answer on question 1 Easy Fancybox maybe can not find this as valid title right?

    Right. And there is nothing I can do about that. ??

    You could ask the Jetpack team to honor official HTML standards and give back the alt attribute to the image tag.

    Thread Starter Willem-Siebe


    Sorry I didn’t update you earlier, but I asked Jetpack to give the alt attribute to the image tag back.


    We will add the Alt tag back, yes. I just don’t have a date yet, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have some news!

    Kind regards,


    Hi Willem, that’s good news. Thanks for sharing ??

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