• Greetings,

    i have some issues with my Theme, for the moment i use this format to Display a Date of a post.

    <?php the_time(‘F j, Y’); ?> ?<?php the_time(‘g:i a’); ?>

    I read the article about time conversion but don’t get it. This is above my skills.


    How would it be possible to display “X hours Ago” if its below 24 hours and after to display it as Date?

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  • You’re looking for human_time_diff.

    Thread Starter Theunknown1


    Yes that should be it.. but it will say “1 day ago.. 2 days ago” is there a limit like

    Show alle with ago if its below 24 hours?

    Thread Starter Theunknown1


    Okay i found this nice little script

    $time = get_the_time('U'); // Get the timestamp of the post for easy access.
    $diff = round((time() + (get_settings('gmt_offset') * 3600) - get_the_time('Z') - $time) / 60); // Get difference in minutes.
    $diff_in_days = round($diff / 60 / 24); // Get difference in days.
    if ($diff < 2) {
           echo 'Vor einer Minute';
    } elseif ($diff < 30) {
           echo 'Vor ' . $diff . ' Minuten';
    } elseif ($diff_in_days < 1) {
           echo 'Heute, um ' . date('H:i', $time) . ' Uhr';
    } elseif ($diff_in_days < 2) {
           echo 'Gestern, um ' . date('H:i', $time) . ' Uhr';
    } elseif ($diff_in_days < 7) {
           echo 'Am ' . get_the_time('l') . ' um ' . date('H:i', $time) . ' Uhr';
    } elseif ($diff_in_days < 365) {
           echo 'Am ' . get_the_time('l, j. F') . ' um ' . date('H:i', $time) . ' Uhr';
    } else {
           echo 'Am ' . get_the_time('l, j. F Y') . ' um ' . date('H:i', $time) . ' Uhr';
    } ?>

    I think i yust need to translate it to en-GB

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