Heya Ipstenu..:)
This is like using bubblegum to fix a vase. The water seeps out on occasion but one just uses a mop to pick up the water. I wonder when someone will take the super glue and fix the broken vase?
Clicking an already created gallery and going to the Media Library to attach additional images does not work natively today so we have:
(actually on the feature list is says unattach items from current post. The plugin adds options below a post or page.)
And if I happen to attach the wrong image or want to detach
use https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/unattach/
Some comments from the blog of the guy who created the unattach plugin.
9 Apr 2011
How hard would it be to add the “Unattach” button to the “Gallery” sections of posts/pages as well? I’d be nice to unattach a photo from a post/page while editing that post/page.
11 Apr 2011
probably not very hard. However I expect this functionality will be included in WordPress core soon (there are a couple of issues logged in trac) so it’s probably not worth spending too much time on the plugin.
Another comment
The plugin would be even better if it appeared as an option in the ‘bulk actions’ list, so that I could select all the erroneous images and unattach them in one hit.
Well I hope someone this time around for 3.4 has added the extra features needed to the default gallery to function as it should. It is there but not really there.
Thanks for the headsup Ipstenu.