• Hi Mega-Addons team,

    FYI, when we upgrade to version 3.1 of the plugin, our timelien breaks. Rather than displaying the timeline, we see the shortcodes. It’s a pretty simple timeline running on the Bridge Theme with VC 5.7 and WordPress 5.1.

    We reverted back to version 2.3 of the plugin for now and all is behaving as expected. Any ideas on how to fix this in 3.1?



    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Accordion all broken for me too
    No more accordion and short codes visible…

    Plugin Author nasir179125


    I updated the file. Now you can see the elements, no more short codes. Kindly update to 3.1 version again.
    Some changes will effect on design so first test It on other server or localhost.

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