• Resolved noorjan77


    Hi i have problem with timepicker field it doesn’t show the time.

    So basically it’s useless when someone goes to my website and fill up my contact form then for time they select on the first I get blank.

    Here is the form which I exported.

    {“type”:”form”,”data”:{“fields”:[{“id”:”text-1″,”element_id”:”text-1″,”form_id”:”wrapper-9944-6358″,”placeholder”:”E.g. John Doe”,”type”:”text”,”wrapper_id”:”wrapper-9944-6358″,”cols”:12,”required”:true,”field_label”:”Full Name”,”options”:[],”default”:””,”default_value”:””,”custom-class”:””,”conditions”:[],”required_message”:”The field is required.”},{“id”:”phone-1″,”element_id”:”phone-1″,”form_id”:”wrapper-3902-4454″,”placeholder”:”E.g. 07878787878″,”type”:”phone”,”wrapper_id”:”wrapper-3902-4454″,”cols”:12,”required”:true,”field_label”:”Phone Number”,”options”:[],”default”:””,”default_value”:””,”custom-class”:””,”conditions”:[],”required_message”:”The field is required.”,”validation_message”:”The telephone number is invalid.”,”validation”:”true”,”phone_national_country”:”GB”},{“id”:”email-1″,”element_id”:”email-1″,”form_id”:”wrapper-1210-3561″,”type”:”email”,”options”:[],”cols”:12,”conditions”:[],”wrapper_id”:”wrapper-1210-3561″,”validation”:false,”placeholder”:”E.g. 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    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noorjan77

    I hope you’re well today!

    I have visited page in question and I’m not quite sure what is the issue. When I’m filling-in the form, I seem to be able to select both date and time. Should I take some specific steps there/fill-in the form in some specific way?

    Or it does “look fine” on front-end but you’re not getting correct data (blank data instead) in either your e-mail notification or on submissions page?

    Let me know, please.

    I also wanted to test your form on my setup but it seems the data got corrupted when posting here (most likely some characters where stripped off or converted) so could you please share export file again?

    Preferably make sure that it’s marked as code using “code” option in post editor or, better yet, either share it via pastebin.com service or as a file through your Dropbox, Google Drive or similar account (then just post a link to it).

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter noorjan77


    Hi thanks for the very quick reply.

    Yes my problem is in the backend which you have mentioned >>>> Or it does “look fine” on front-end but you’re not getting correct data (blank data instead) in either your e-mail notification or on submissions page?<<<<

    I have also put the field in the front end so once you fill up the form you can see on screen notification which confirms the date and time. For for time it’s blank and that’s what I received on my email notification too a blank for timepicker.

    You have asked for the for exhorted file but you really don’t need that. Because I have tried timepicker field in 5 different website it’s the same on all of them. So I would say just try the timepicker field in your own form and you will see that you won’t get any data.

    So to make it more clear the timepicker is not working test it in your own way you will see that it has a problem.

    I really need this to work if you manage to fix this issue please let me know thanks

    Hi @noorjan77,

    I’ve tested a form with date and time picker on my end but I’m afraid that I was unable to replicate the issue as all the data was submitted properly.
    Since there are a lot of settings in the plugin it’s possible that I’m missing something that your setup has so could you provide us with the export of the form as mentioned above so we can give it a check from our end?

    Also, what happens if you create a form with just date and time picker, does that work in your case?


    Thread Starter noorjan77


    Hi thanks for getting back.

    I have checked and made new forms the only way timepicker was working if I didn’t touch its sitting.

    But when I change for example it’s display to slide down or to change from 12 hours to 24 hours or to use time limiters etc then it never work.

    Here is the link for the form I have uploaded the form in to google drive as you said i hope you can find the problem thanks.


    Plugin Support Amin – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @noorjan77 ,

    Thank you for the form. I’ve checked it and you are using {time-1} macro in the email notification and in the success message. There is no {time-1} macro available, hence it will not show anything. You would need to use what is available from the macro list, in case of the time picker it is:

    I’m not sure where the {time-1} came in your form – do you recall what option you used that it showed there?

    kind regards,

    Thread Starter noorjan77


    Hi thanks for getting back and I am sorry for bothering you so many times.

    But i did not understand any of these thing you have said. They do tactical.

    All i did i use timepicker and i used the timepicker sitting to set up the times limitation etc.

    But since you have my form can you fix it and send me back so I can use it?

    Also in the future updates I want to give you small feed back.

    If you could make timepicker to look like other forms it’s like calendar but with times displaying if you know what i mean.

    If there is no solution then it’s OK not big deal I just wanted to report this issue in case there is some errors on the code.
    Many thanks

    Plugin Support Williams – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @noorjan77

    I’ve made changed that @wpmudev-support2 mentioned earlier. Here’s an update form:


    Once you import it, please look into

    – e-mail notifications’ content
    – success message on “Behavior” tab of form builder

    and you should see them there.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter noorjan77


    Hi thanks for getting back yes it works now. How did you do it?

    What I do wrong that it doesn’t work automatically?

    One last question. Is there a way to charge the field name for example. For name the field name is {name-1} How can i Rename this?

    Many thanks for that form fixing

    Plugin Support Saurabh – WPMU DEV Support


    Hello @noorjan77,

    As stated by my colleague Kasia in earlier replies, the macros setup or being used at email notification and in the success message were wrong. We replaced that with the correct ones.

    You can learn more about the macros here:

    The reason it did not work before as the data was not received in the email notifications and the success message area as the macro being used was wrong.

    Now about the other question :

    “Is there a way to charge the field name for example. For name the field name is {name-1} How can I Rename this?”

    You can rename the labels to all the fields but I’m afraid there is no way to edit the macros as of now.

    Should you have any doubts or need any help, please reply in the thread here or open a new thread and we would be happy to help.

    Thank you,
    Prathamesh Palve

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