• Even though I updated my server config to raise all limits, gave it a ton of memory, disabled all other plugins, trying to remove a few thousand categories turned into a baby sitting job. It is a great plugin, but since I know there are other scripts that ran for 2 hours straight on my server importing all these plugins without a single issue, there can be something better done to manage the memory, ajax calls or whatever it does to make it not quit all the time.

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  • Hi jeffmace, open up a Support topic and we’ll look at this together. I can’t tell what the issue was above, nor what version of error you were getting.


    We iterate through sets of 100 Categories at a time, unlinking Categories from Terms and cleaning up as we go, it keeps running until it can’t find any more Categories.

    Thread Starter jeffmace


    I read your support responses and the answer of “it loops through each Product until it either crashes or completes” doesn’t sound like a good response to me. It doesn’t seem as if that person got the answer they were really looking for.

    My point is, I used the plugin wp all import and it ran for over 2 hours and inserted 11,000+ categories without a single issue, I think this should be able to do the same no? The answer shouldn’t be wait until memory is exhausted.

    Hi jeffmace, happy to look at how it can be done better (e.g. by looking at how WP All Import works), I’m continually learning and applying new knowledge into these Plugins.

    Without any indication of your error or version details I suspect a timeout error was locking up the Category nuke as memory wouldn’t be an issue in Category nuking as only the Term ID is fetched from WP_Query. As above if you can open a new Support topic I can assist ??

    Thread Starter jeffmace


    Let me know what you need. If you need login info to my site, let me know where to send it to you. I am more than happy to let you take a look at what it’s doing.

    Hi jeffmace, great, open a Support topic and include version details so we can look at this further. I may also ask for some PHP config values but we can do all this via a Support topic, not here. ??


    Don’t get me in trouble by providing logins, we’ll see what we can do via Support topics.

    (Mods: Jan., I know you’re watching…)

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