• Hi, my blog with this theme is here at https://www.elite400.co.uk.

    You’ll see that I post a new workout every day. Each time I have set it with a timestamp it just keeps sitting as ‘You have 1 scheduled post’ and states that it should have published 6/7/3 etc hours ago – but doesn’t publish.

    People rely on this page being updated before 6am as my first workout class as at 7am – clients login to see what the workout will be for that day. I have to end up copying the post, deleting it and pasting the info into a new to post to then publish it. I’ve done this every morning around 6am so far. Could do without this, especially on a Sat and Sun.

    How do I address this?
    Need the answer really simplified – I’m not very code savvy.


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  • Does this happen with other themes, too, or only with the Atahualpa theme?

    Thread Starter helzy


    This is the first theme I’ve ever had.

    Please try it with another theme, such as the “Default” theme that is included with every WordPress installation, so I as the theme author can see whether the issue is related to the theme Atahualpa. The theme does not deal with scheduled posts in any way that I’d be aware of.

    Thread Starter helzy


    Thank you BytesForAll. Can I do this without having to publish the Default theme? If not I’ll wait and do it around midnight when there shouldn’t be too many people (GMT) visiting the site…

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Future posting can have issues on some servers. Search around for “wp-cron” on these forums, there’s lots of potential problems and in the end only your host can fix it.

    There are plugins etc to preview a theme without going public but that would be too complicated I think. I’d suggest that you indeed turn another theme on for a few minutes when you don’t have many visitors on the site.

    Also check this post for possible reasons why the schedule doesn’t work as expected: https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/can-i-schedule-post

    I have not dealt much with scheduling yet but as far as I know:

    – You must click “Publish” after you edited the timestamp, not just “Save”.
    – There might be a difference between your local time and the server time

    Thread Starter helzy


    Well, timestamp didn’t work again. I just changed the theme to Default as you suggested and it still didn’t work.

    I’ve now changed back to Atahualpa – can you see what’s happened…my sidebar text and archive posts are all now in italics!!! Well they are as viewed on my mac anyways…so weird.

    You have a


    tag right before

    “Steven ponders after meeting…”

    that isn’t closed anywhere. Edit that post and put a closing


    tag wherever you want the italic text to end.

    Thread Starter helzy



    – There might be a difference between your local time and the server time

    Now that I have established timestamp has maybe got something to do with my web server time, what information do I need to ask my hosting provider in order to have the correct settings?

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