• Hi!

    I’m running latest WP. I’m using Revisions Control plugin, but it’s supposed to integrate fine with WP. Now, I want timestamps to be in 24h format. They are, too. For the most part being, that is. When I’m typing a post, look how the auto-save line is presented:

    Utkast sparat kl 01:31. Senast ?ndrat av Calle den 10 november, 2010 kl 13:24

    The first timestamp is in confusing 12h-format (w/ stupid leading zero as well), whereas the other one is in proper 24h format. What could be the issue here? Any easy solution? Please point me in any other direction than to get rid of the Revisions Control plugin, cause I’m really addicted to it.

    Ty in adv~

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    Anyways, I found my solution.

    File: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    Pattern to look for:

    /* translators: draft saved date format, see https://php.net/date */
    	$draft_saved_date_format = __('g:i:s a');

    I just had to change it (-> “H:i:s”). Behavior changed instantly. However, feels kinda strange that this is not changed. I am using the Swedish locale of WordPress, and Svezia is indeed a land of the 24h system. May the developers/translators have forgotten this instance of code, or could there be any deeper explanation why this is not change. Just curious, so that I’ll not mess up my WP installation or something by changing it to H:i.

    Again, thanks for taking notice~
    Cheers! ??

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