There is no “GMT+01.00/+02.00” in “the” tz database
The ics RFC5545 spec ‘suggests’ that the tz database be used:
Php also does not have such a timezone – it uses the tz database too
Some applications just do their own thing and it would appear that your first ics file is one of those. Over the years the plugin has coped with some of these oddities. EG: it will map the windows non-localised timezones, and If cities are listed, it will ‘guess’ the correct timezone.
It appears the plugin is treating it as GMT+1 (no daylight saving) and thus there would be some differences with Europe/Berlin because it does have daylight saving.
Which application is generating the GMT TZID?
Do you have control over the timezone ? Can you change it to something safer like a city based timezone?
The application may generate a timezone definition in the ICS file at the top. The plugin does not attempt to create a custom timezone from this (yet) – instead it attempts to map any strange TZID’s to the best matching php timezone.
The problem with a GMT based daylight saving change is that countries in the same longitude may NOT change DST at the same time, so what should the plugin do if it did try map it? which city based timezone would it use to get the right DST changes?
EG – these are both GMT+1 at some stage:
Germany: Sunday, 27 March Sunday, 30 October
Namibia: Sunday, 4 September Sunday, 3 April
More info:
If you don’t have control over the originating system and do have some programming skills, there is a filter ‘amr-timezoneid-filter’ that is used to do the windows mapping. You could force map the TZID?
Or pre-process the ics file, changing the TZID ?
hope that helps