Timezone Settings
we have a problem when we click on the link for more details:
If the user is logged in with his Google account everything is fine, but if the user is not logged in, the time he sees is 2 hours earlier than the real time during summer time and one hour earlier the rest of the year.
We are located in Germany and there is only one timezone. The timezone of the computer is UTC + 1 and the timezone of the Google calender is GMT + 2, which should be the same during summer time.
However, we can solve this problem if we change the timezone in the plugin from “Calendar default” to “Site default (Europe/Paris). Then the time is shown correctly with both alternatives (logged in or not logged in). But if the user is not logged in and clicks on the more-details link he sees the word “Paris” after the time of the event (https://prntscr.com/8oqt5n), which is for some users a bit confusing.
Is there a way to show the right time with the timezone option “Calendar default” or is it possible not to show the word Paris in the details?
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