• hi there!

    Today i upgraded my blog automatically with the upgrade plugin to 2.6.2 and now ive no more WYSIWYG Editor.

    i only can write posts in html.

    pls help

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  • I installed tiny-mce advanced plugin today, configured the toolbar in admin and tried a few of my ‘new features’ (using wordpress 2.7 – php5)

    I played around with my latest post, thinking things are going ok – and tried adding a layer. When I did so, the interface decided to add numerous layers, and I couldn’t seem to get rid of them by deleting.

    I published the post on the chance that the wysiwyg editor might have been displaying wrong. Mistake. The post elements were scattered all over the page. Sidebars were missing elements. CSS was totally off for sidebar.php, singlepost.php and there were so many things awry that I thought I was in serious trouble. I had a similar problem once before, and ended up having to reload a fresh version of css.php in order to get things to work again, but I have a lot of mods on my pages, so I wasn’t looking forward to reloading everything to try and solve all these glitches.

    Then I thought I’d just delete the post, because I had only really worked on (infected) that one post… so I tried it and kept my fingers crossed waiting for it to refresh. Bingo – everything back to normal, so I quickly disabled the plugin, and I had even saved the html from the post to rework it.

    To me it felt like I had unleashed a virus, but of course it wasn’t.

    Anyone have a similar experience, or any ideas what caused that?

    @briellechittim not sure what exactly went wrong but TinyMCE has pretty good multi-level undo. Perhaps preview the post and undo any changes that don’t look right next time.

    I was having the same problem, I had to wait for 2.7 to come out and it works fine now.

    whats wrong on this ! i need to test 2.8

    How did the install go? Mine just fouled up. Still looking into it

    2.8.1 works pretty fine
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