• My site LinuxAthena.com faced some real problems many times. I found my Visual editor not to be working for 5-6 times. Sometimes, suggestions on various forum topics helped me, but sometimes, it was not helpful too.

    I have a suggestion to make. I really appreciate your work and your great WordPress software. I wouldn’t have been able to make and host a website so easily without it. But, I feel that there can be many improvements.

    Please test WordPress so that it don’t get errors due to any reasons. I suggest Wordpres should be best in itself, and plugins should not be conflicting with it. I also suggest that your team should test plugins before hosting them or there should be some strict guidelines for plugin developers so that they don’t add any code which can harm any other code.

    Thanks for your wonderful free software.
    Hope my suggestion will help my favourite blogging software.

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