• Hi,
    I do not get any spell checking from the built-in or the Advanced plugin of Tinymce. What happens is that the spell checker kicks in and then comes back saying ‘No misspelling found.’ This is of course on a ‘delebirattly-misspeled’ word.
    How can I get this item to work in the visual, wysiwyg editor?

    {by the way the old IE Spell works…}

    Thank you for your help/advice.
    Kind regards.

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  • Never had to use this spell checker, mainly because I use FireFox and it spell checks as I type…no matter where it’s at, not just writing blog posts.

    FireFox, making my spelling not look like a 2nd Graders since 2006. Now if they could just do something about my grammar.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    The TinyMCE spell checker relies on the server being able to connect to Google for their spelling checker. If it can’t, then the spell check won’t work.

    If you look at wp-includes\js\tinymce\plugins\spellchecker\config.php, there is an alternate method of using the “pspell” program on the server, but this will only work on Linux servers that have pspell installed.

    Thread Starter wm2008


    Thank you Otto42.
    [I am sorry, I should have given some environment info: it is actually on a Windows 2003 server]
    There’s no problem connecting to outside. It connects, the animated gif starts spinning, but then it comes back saying ‘nothing…

    I there something that I can tweak/configure?
    Have i missed on something?
    And, how about replacing this with the FCKeditor altogether?

    Thank you
    Kind regards.

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