• fakeoutdoorsman


    The visual rich editor (TinyMCE) is not initializing. I have it enabled, but it does not load. This is a clean WordPress install and I am using Firefox 1.5.

    My JavaScript console gives me two errors:
    TinyMCE is not defined (line 5)

    Looking at tiny_mce_gzip.php line 5:
    TinyMCE.prototype.importThemeLanguagePack = function() {};

    I’ve looked at tiny_mce_gzip.php and I don’t think all of the echos are bring outputted. It seems to skip everything after:
    // Load theme, language pack and theme language packs

    and then resumes after:
    initArray = {

    Error #2 from the JavaScript console:
    tinyMCE is not defined (line 174)

    Line 174 from post.php:
    if ( tinyMCE.isMSIE )

    I wiped the install and redownloaded the latest stable WordPress release and checked to see if the files are present. Otherwise, the site is functional. I am running Apache 1.3.29 with PHP 4.4.0 and zlib is enabled.

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  • Thread Starter fakeoutdoorsman


    I downloaded todays nightly build and I am still having problems with tinymce not loading.



    same her with editormonkey

    Thread Starter fakeoutdoorsman


    I got it to work after editing tiny_mce_gzip.php. The PHP function “realpath” wasn’t working on the host’s server.

    Open tiny_mce_gzip.php.

    Find all instances of:

    Replace with

    @ require('../../../wp-config.php');

    function realpath2($path)
    ////check if realpath is working
    if (strlen(realpath($path))>0)
    return realpath($path);

    ///if its not working use another method///
    if ($path==”.”)
    return $p;
    //now check for back directory//

    foreach($dirs as $k => $v)

    if ($v==”..”)
    foreach($dirs as $k => $v)
    if (strlen($v)>0)

    if (is_dir($p))
    return $p;
    if (is_file($p))
    return $p;

    return false;


    $tinymce = file_get_contents(realpath("tiny_mce.js"));

    Replace with:
    $tinymce = file_get_contents("tiny_mce.js");



    same problam

    I implemented the code you gave – but it didn’t work.

    I try it both on IE and firefox. And in both cases get the same:
    line: 254
    char: 1
    error: tinyMSE undefined
    code 0

    HELP ??

    I’m having the same problem? just what is wrong… I don’t get it… it’s clean install… shold be alright

    moved to payed godady host – and it fixed the problam for me…

    I was able to ‘fix’ this problem by removing the query string from the script include in wp-admin/admin-header.php

    that is, I changed:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="../wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php?ver=20051211"></script>


    <script type="text/javascript" src="../wp-includes/js/tinymce/tiny_mce_gzip.php"></script>

    (around line 50)

    I don’t know if there are any detrimental effects from this, but it does appear to have worked….

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