• Resolved krider2010



    This may well be an interaction with my other plugins, or something I have setup on my site, but I’m having an issue actually using the plugin as the dialog that pops up causes JavaScript errors…

    Tweet This :: Error getting parameters passed to dialog with 'var args = top.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();'.  Trying parent instead of top.
    tinymce-dialog.html:215 Tweet This :: Error getting parameters passed to dialog with 'var args = parent.tinymce.activeEditor.windowManager.getParams();'.  Dialog cannot function without this data.
    tinymce-dialog.html:221 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'jquery' of undefinedtinymce-dialog.html:221 (anonymous function)tinymce-dialog.html:512 (anonymous function)

    Any ideas? Cheers!


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  • Plugin Author John Morris


    I’m sorry you’re having problems with this plugin.

    Are you using any optimization plugins (caching, asynchronous loading, et cetera) or WordPress editor modifying plugins (like WP Edit)? If so, can you tell me what those plugins are.

    The JavaScript error is indicating that a key, built-in function of the TinyMCE editor that WordPress uses doesn’t exist. This shouldn’t happen if the editor is fully loaded and stock. The only ideas I have for why that might happen are optimization or editor modifying plugins. If it’s one of those, that will narrow potential solutions down quite a bit.

    If it’s not, I’ll simply have to try random things to see if I can get it working because I can’t recreate this on my end, and I don’t know of anyone else with the problem to help me narrow things down.

    Let me know of any plugins you have that fit into those categories. In the meantime, I’ll look into it further and see if something glaring leaps out at me.

    Thread Starter krider2010


    Thanks for getting back to me. Nope, no optimisation (yet) though it’s on the list, nor any plugins that obviously edit the editor (if you follow ?? ).

    Would it be any of the components of Jetpack? I have that installed and know that it can touch various areas of the installation.

    I’m happy to send you a list of all plugins, but would rather do that privately. I can use the form on your website if that is OK?


    Plugin Author John Morris


    JetPack is frequently to blame for problems, but in this case I don’t think it’s JetPack. I use that one quite extensively and its never caused me issues with Tweet This.

    The list of plugins would be very helpful, and the website form is perfect. I’ll install those plugins and see if it does the same thing for me.

    Haven’t found any obvious culprit for the problem yet, searching on the Internet. If the plugins don’t shed any light on the problem, I’ll try an idea I have to work around the part that’s failing. Not sure if it will work, but maybe.

    Thread Starter krider2010


    I’ll go and send the details right now. Thanks for your help so far!

    Plugin Author John Morris


    F.Y.I. for others reading this later on:

    Further diagnosis continued over email. It turned out to be a brutally difficult problem to eradicate. For an unknown reason, WordPress’ editor was not providing necessary information to the shortcode creator dialog box. The dialog box could not function without that information. So, I instead worked around the problem altogether.

    Beginning with versions 1.3.0, the shortcode creator dialog box works in a drastically different way that circumvents the point of failure.

    This should no longer be an issue. If someone other than the original poster is experiencing a similar problem, it will occur for dramatically different reasons, so please open a new support thread.

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