• Hi,

    Most of the Tincymce js files return 503 in wp-admin. (screenshot).

    The error log from my host (infomaniak) return for each 503:

    Rejected, too many connections from this host. (vhost:unephotoparjour.ch uri:/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wpembed/plugin.min.js current:32 limit:30

    I found a workaround by caching those files with Cloudflare, so we don’t hit the limit.

    So in a way no more 503, but I just don’t understand why Tinymce need to load all these js files (21 request!). And couldn’t it be concatenated? It seems like bad performance to me.


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  • Moderator James Huff


    They should already be concatenated. Check your wp-config.php file to make sure you don’t have this line:

    define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

    If you do, you can either set the define to true or remove the whole line (it defaults to true).


    Thread Starter clambelet


    Hi James, thanks for the reply.

    I added ‘define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, true);’ to wp-config.php. (I couldn’t find it anywhere, nor set to false).

    Unfortunatly, Tinymce still loads via 21 requests.

    I checked debug.log/server log and no error related to that.

    Moderator James Huff


    Try deactivating all plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the default theme for your version of WordPress to rule-out a theme-specific issue (theme functions can interfere like plugins).

    Thread Starter clambelet


    Hi James, sorry for the late reply, I was away for a few days.

    I deactivated all the plugins and also switched to another theme (twentyfifteen), without any luck. Still a lot of requests.

    Moderator James Huff


    Who’s your hosting provider?

    Thread Starter clambelet


    Informaniak and the site is also on Cloudflare. (cache bypass on wp-admin)

    Moderator James Huff


    Hm, haven’t heard of them before, so at least I don’t know them to be bad. ??

    Would you be able to spin up a fresh install on a subdomain, like test.example.com to see if you have the same problem on a fresh site (with absolutely no plugins and only the default theme) on the same server?

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