Seems this has been adressed already as per Gary Jones
add_action( 'genesis_entry', 'prefix_entry' );
* Adds the Genesis Share icons after the entry but within the entry content container.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return null Return early for non-single posts
function prefix_entry() {
if ( ! is_single() || ! function_exists( 'genesis_share_icon_output' ) ) {
global $Genesis_Simple_Share;
echo '<div class="share-box"><h3 class="share-headline">' . __( 'If you liked this article, tell someone about it', 'yourtextdomain' ) . '</h3>';
genesis_share_icon_output( 'after-entry', $Genesis_Simple_Share->icons );
echo '</div>';
This works wonderfully, except that my needs are that the prepended text to be shown to the left of the share buttons, and with the code above it is shown above.
Hope this helps