• Resolved kitka


    I have tried switching off all other plugins and changing to the default theme, but I just can’t seem to make any changes to the Title tags on any pages any more. I have edited them previously. No error is displayed. Just doesn’t save changes.

    WordPress 5.9.3
    Yoast SEO Version 18.8
    WP DEBUG not showing any errors
    PHP Version 7.4
    Site health not showing issues.

    Any ideas how to troubleshoot?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello Kitka,

    I am sorry that changes made to your title are not being saved. The current title of the homepage is <title> Glenlyon General Store - serving great food wine & gin, Daylesford Victoria</title>. Is this the correct title or do you want to change that?

    Furthermore, do you mean that when you turn OFF all other plugins and switch to a default theme, your changes are still not saved? you are unable to make changes to your

    Thread Starter kitka


    Hi Maybellyne, I have made a very short video of my screen as I try to edit a page. could you watch and let me know if you can advise?
    [video src="https://kitka.net.au/GGS.mp4" /]


    Plugin Support Michael Ti?a


    Hi @kitka

    Thanks for providing this video. We understand that the SEO title isn’t updating as expected. Could you open your browser’s console where this issue happens and check for any JS errors in red?

    Often, we see problems occur in combination with another plugin or theme. The fastest way to rule out any conflict, is to deactivate all non-Yoast plugins and switch to a standard theme like Twenty Twenty.

    Please test this on your development or staging site, if you have one. If not, we recommend using the Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin. This plugin has a troubleshooting mode, which does not affect normal visitors to your site.

    If you’re unfamiliar with checking for conflicts, we’d like to point you to a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process: How to check for plugin conflicts

    Thread Starter kitka


    I see this error:
    Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):132:7)
    at e (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:30038)
    at t (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:30340)

    When I switch to the default theme I don’t see that error, BUT I am still unable to edit the Title field.


    Hey @kitka,

    The “$ is not a function” error is related to jQuery code being old and no longer compatible. Please know that WordPress is changing how it’s enqueuing jQuery (and jQuery Migrate), so I do expect that somewhere in a plugin, theme, or custom code, you have this.

    I do see that you run a custom theme, so do check with your theme/site developer to investigate these jQuery-related issues and if fixed, if you can update content and titles as expected.

    I marked this thread as resolved due to a lack of activity by the original poster. The original poster is always welcome to re-open this topic.

    If you are not the original poster but have a similar issue, please read this post before opening a new request.

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