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  • Thread Starter mmallett


    Ah… wait. There it is.

    Server name
    PHP version 5.4.32
    User agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10) AppleWebKit/600.1.25 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Safari/600.1.25
    Max execution time 600 seconds
    Memory limit 256M
    PHP extensions Core 5.4.32 | date 5.4.32 | ereg | libxml | openssl | pcre | sqlite3 0.7 | zlib 2.0 | ctype | curl | dom 20031129 | fileinfo 1.0.5 | filter 0.11.0 | ftp | gd | hash 1.0 | iconv | json 1.2.1 | mbstring | mcrypt | mysql 1.0 | SPL 0.2 | mysqli 0.1 | PDO 1.0.4dev | pdo_mysql 1.0.2 | pdo_sqlite 1.0.1 | session | posix | Reflection $Id: f6367cdb4e3f392af4a6d441a6641de87c2e50c4 $ | standard 5.4.32 | SimpleXML 0.1 | soap | sockets | Phar 2.0.1 | tokenizer 0.1 | xml | xmlreader 0.1 | xmlrpc 0.51 | xmlwriter 0.1 | xsl 0.1 | zip 1.11.0 | apache2handler | ionCube Loader
    WordPress version 4.0
    Active Theme Quentin 1.0, Mike Purdy []
    Akismet 3.0.2 []
    Change Permalink Helper 0.1 []
    Dave’s WordPress Live Search 4.2 []
    footnotes 1.6.1 []
    Spam Karma 2 2.3 rc4 []
    TinyMCE Advanced 4.1.1 []
    Ultimate TinyMCE 5.3 []
    WordPress Database Backup 2.2.4 []
    WP-Footnotes 4.2.2 []
    WP-OnlineCounter 0.11 []
    WP-Print 2.54 []
    WP Post Sorting 1.2 []
    WP Super Cache 1.4.2 []
    YOP Poll 5.1 []
    Yop Poll Plugin 4.9.3 []

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    Hi Mark,

    the 32point figure matches from the styling information I could extract from the link you pasted in the original thread.

    So the p tags in your theme seem to have 32 pixels in height. But I’m not 100% sure.
    To help you fix this, I need my fellow developer to have a look at this. We had a long developer meeting today and he told me he’d be up and about fixing some bugs with other of our plugins tomorrow. So he’ll see this thread and hopefully respond ASAP.
    btw. it’s 0100 where I live ??

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    To produce the diagnostics, check the first screenshot
    and find this in your WordPress dashboard. Inside the ManFisher menu there is a Diagnostics link which produces the desired information.

    Thread Starter mmallett


    Hey, thanks Mark! Burning the late night oil, eh?

    By the way, I went to your donation page, but it was all in German!

    Plugin Contributor Stefan Herndler


    Hi mmallett,

    your ‘Reference’ title has 32 Pixel in height. This happens because the line-height is set to 1.3em in the footnotes stylesheet.
    Reducing the line-height to 1.0em will reduce the whole height to 25px instead of the 32px.

    This can be done by customizing the stylesheet in the “Customize” tab of the Footnotes settings page.

    Enter the following CSS code to manipulate the title attributes:

    .footnote_container_prepare > p {
    	line-height: 1.0 !important;

    If the line-height gets too small you may also need to reduce the font-size of the title.

    .footnote_container_prepare > p > span:first-child {
    	font-size: 1.5em !important;

    Hope that solves your issue.

    Plugin Author Mark Cheret


    Hi Mark,

    I have created a separate donation link for the english speaking world.
    I will also update the plugin so the regular donation link leads there.

    Thread Starter mmallett


    Hey there. The donation link still isn’t in English. Sorry, but I’m having trouble filling in the proper information!

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