• Resolved Guillermo


    In the links to the article the tag title is the hour, correct it for write the real title. <span class=”posted-on”><a…title=”9:28 pm”…

    No title in “read more”, can be good put the title post.-

    Put automatic title in internal links inside the posts but that maybe need be made by core wordpress.-

    Is possible put the post-image to the left aside the entry summary text with css true?.

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  • Theme Author Tom


    Hi there,

    1. The title tag of the date is the hour, which is correct.

    2. I just added the title to the title tag of the read more link – thanks for the suggestion!

    3. This would have to be a core WP thing.

    4. Our Blog add-on allows you to do this in the Customizer, otherwise you can try some CSS like this:

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        .post-image {
            float: left;
            margin-right: 20px;

    Hope this helps ??

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    Sorry, you are right, I was confused because entry-title not have title, you can add it please.
    And you can add the date to title but is ok the hour.

    Thanks Tom!

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    @media (min-width: 769px) {
    .post-image {
    float: left;
    margin-right: 20px;

    The problem for me is that if the image is long that the text summary, the tags appear next to the image, down of summary. And advert appear overlaping tags.

    One idea more simple is in desktop use display block, inline, 40% for image – 60% summary etc.
    I need one div superior display block containing .post-image and .entry-summary.

    I need think how make it… maybe you can add the div in next version.

    Theme Author Tom


    The entry title will have a title if the post has a title.

    You can set a max-width to the .post-image element.

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        .post-image {
            float: left;
            margin-right: 20px;
            max-width: 200px; /* for example */
    Thread Starter Guillermo


    In title I talk about the title attribute, title=”” in the link title post no is implemented, you can put the category or the title post in title attribute.

    The solution of max-width is better but no perfect, if the height is large, the categories and tags appear next to the image down of the summary.
    I tried max-height but no run, overlapping.
    I can fix it with one very little image of the size height of the text summary, so the category and tags no appear next to the image.

    I prefer something how: one box div for image and summary, you can put the summary down or next to the image with display block/inline // and the category and tags will be down of the box without exception of the size image.

    Only to improve, thanks Tom

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    The problem with this is that the adsense overlapping the category and tags when the image is large height.

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        .post-image {
            float: left;
            margin-right: 20px;
            max-width: 200px; /* for example */
        footer.entry-meta {clear:left}

    I try this and run, but the plugin ads take the value width of the summary (65%).

    @media (min-width: 769px) {
        .post-image {
            display: inline-block !important;
    		vertical-align: top;
            margin-right: 2%;
    		margin-left: 2%;
            //max-width: 100px;  for example
    	.entry-summary {display:inline-block !important; width:65%; vertical-align: top;}
    	footer.entry-meta {display:block; width:100%;}

    When you have time, if you find one better solution post here.
    This run ok, only the plugin ads give the problem, maybe adding one box with picture and summary can correct it.

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    Remember, if can and like, in one update put category and can be also sub-category in title”” attribute in post title.
    You can add also the title attribute in links pagination, with title website and categories.

    I think the codes are ok, so no is one big problem, just no run with the plugin ads, ads float in category and tags if the image have large height.
    One alternative I no test is no show the footer.entry-meta, but I dont like the idea.
    If many users like the image in the left, can be good have the div box content the image and summary and no use float.

    Theme Author Tom


    In title I talk about the title attribute, title=”” in the link title post no is implemented, you can put the category or the title post in title attribute.

    Would there be any benefit to doing this? The title already shows the title, so showing in the title tag as well seems redundant?

    If you want to add more to the title tag, you would have to overwrite the template file in your child theme to make those specific changes.

    As for your post image issue, can you link me to the page so I can see the issue?


    Thread Starter Guillermo


    I read google don’t use the title, but I no are sure, google don’t use it in images, I used it before in titles, pagination, etc. and I liked the results, is how the alt for images, because is info on the screen. I read also is good for blind people. I will check.-

    I don’t implement the solution for the image now, but is ok, the only problem is the ads plugin. I will try quit the ads in the zone and use % images for all screens.-

    For your code you need add this: footer.entry-meta {clear:left}

    Some suggestions ideas if you like for improvement:
    you can add some div box for no use float, and the correct display of some plugins in the zone ads, socials, etc.
    Reduce one little the margin between posts in home, and make pagination more bigger how twenty sixteen.
    And if is possible in attachments page put one link to original post. I know how redirect.

    You can close the topic Thanks ??

    Theme Author Tom


    Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll definitely play around with them for future versions.

    I appreciate it! ??

    Thread Starter Guillermo


    The only problem is the float, i think is better no use it when is possible, the adsense plugin show the first paragraph overlapping, but i quit it in the zone, now I implemented this code you can use:
    Is better for different heights and widths of images in desktop and mobile, tested in chrome:

    .post-image {
    	float: left;
    	margin-right: 4%;
    	vertical-align: top;
    	max-width: 40%;
    	height: 40%;
    .entry-summary {vertical-align: top;}
    footer.entry-meta {padding-top: 20px; clear: left;}

    Only have one difference in large height images, the margin between the image and categories differ just in 2 or 3 pixels less, no is nothing.

    I try to put the title attribute, but no understand nothing!
    Many thanks for your support!

    Theme Author Tom


    Thanks for sharing that CSS! I’m glad you were able to find a solution ??

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