• I’ve changed how my blog posts title tags will appear so that it looks like this Great deals on travel miles Travel Advice

    Now thats just an example, the description (great deals on travel miles) the website (Travel Adivce) but thats how my site looks now, I know I could change it to look like this

    Great deals on travel miles – Travel Advice But when i do that my main index page title tag appears like this -Travel Advice-
    Now how would I get rid of the (-) so that on my main page it would appear without it but on my blog posts it would appear with it?

    I’m looking to ge the (-) or (|) after my title blog post(title tags) but I don’t want them on my main page title tag.

    Hope this makes sense, really appreciate the support.

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  • Try something like:

    <title><?php if(is_front_page() || is_home()) bloginfo('name');
    else {wp_title(' - ',true,'right');bloginfo('name');}?>

    in header.php

    Thread Starter mjc21


    Oh that worked, great, thank you… one more thing adding a description on the main page title tag? where do I insert that? Thanks again


    <title><?php if(is_front_page() || is_home()) bloginfo('name') . bloginfo('description');;
    else {wp_title(' - ',true,'right');bloginfo('name');}?>
    Thread Starter mjc21


    and where would I put the actual description? I tried inserting the . bloginfor(‘description’);; but screwed the page up

    Thread Starter mjc21


    sorry does anyone else know where I would insert the description for the main page title tag? I’m not sure where I put that. Thanks

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