• OK, i hope i can explain this-on https://www.mytimewithgod.net/wp-login.php, at the top right, you will see small text “my time with god”. My question is how to make this “fancy”. I use cg-flashytitles on the main heading. So, i made a h4 in the wp-admin.css like so:
    #logintext h4 {
    } This is all i have for now.
    Then added this to the wp-login.php: <h4> My Time with God</h4>. Then using cg-flashytitles, i created a h4 entry using a special font but nothing happened. I don’t think cg-flashytitles will “see” the admin pages? I want big cursive text here and not the standard text you see now. So, how would i do this with out cg-flashytitles? Thanks for any help as i am not a css or php guru.

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Okay, how or where did you add that text and the H4? Because however you did it, it’s in entirely the wrong place. You have it before the DOCTYPE declaration, outside the html tag. I’m surprised it’s displaying at all.

    Anyway, the reason your stylesheet doesn’t apply to it is probably because it’s outside the html and before the stylesheet is read from link in the head element.

    If you put it in the wp-login.php file, try moving it down below the <body> tag.

    Thread Starter carnold


    Thanks otto42. Yes, i had it at the very top of wp-login.php. So i moved it to just below the <body> tag and now it does not display at all. I thought the <body> tag applies to the actual login box?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    No, everything that displays should be in the body.

    You do have a bad semi-colon in the a href tag there. I think that’s preventing your title from showing up in the header div.

    Thread Starter carnold


    Yep, you were right! It now will display but still cant get cg-flashytitles to “fancy” it up for me. Not exactly sure how to make a h10 tag for the text. Tried this #logintext h10 {
    and nothing, text stayed the same size. Removed the h10 and made it this #logintext {
    font-size: 70;
    and this changed the text size but i have to have a <h10> tag for flashytitles to work. Mind sharing how to make a <hx> tag?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    h10? Never heard of that one. It only goes to h6, at most.

    Anyway, that particular text is in a login div, a header div, an h1, and an a. In your wp-admin.css, there’s a block for #login h1 a. Edit that and you should be able to effect the title there.

    Thread Starter carnold


    OK, i did not know that hx’s only went to h6. Anyway, that spot in wp-admin.css controls the login box. I want the text above the login box, not in the login box. I see your site says you charge small fees to work? I am going to send you an email.

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