Hi Josef,
Firstly, thanks so much for the review! Glad to hear our work is appreciated. And you make a good point on the visibility — I don’t think the tags that identify DG have changed much since I first started it half a decade ago. I’ll look at them again soon. At minimum, I think library would be a good keyword to have.
Now, regarding your flipping of text and image, with the changes in 4.0, there are some non-code changes we can consider since we fixed some issues with the output structure that previously made styling much more challenging. I did a bit of playing with things and got this which works as long as you don’t have any titles that wrap to multiple lines. If you did, you’d have to be a bit more clever, but still should be doable I think. I’m no CSS expert, so this is what I came up with — feel free to improve upon it.
.document-icon { position: relative; padding-bottom: 1.5em }
.document-icon .title { position: absolute; top: 0 }
.document-icon img { position: relative; top: 1.5em }