• Resolved berttervoert


    I’ve been working on custom post types and custom meta boxes (CMB2) when I just recently watched your introduction video on pods. It seems to me that using pods will save me a whole lot of time and coding. But before going for your plugin, I have some questions.

    Is it possible to use the titles of one pod to become the options in a dropdown for a second pod?

    If there are no entries of te first pod, can I display a message on the second pod to first add some content to the first pod?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    Please read this page: https://docs.pods.io/faqs/what-can-you-build-with-pods/

    Sounds to me you are thinking about the Relationship field using the List View.
    Just try it and you’ll see!

    Cheers, Jory

    Thread Starter berttervoert


    Ok, I created two pods with fields. The second pod has a relationship field for the title, which gets populated with the titles from the first pod. And when there are no entries yet for pod 1 it shows a button to add a new entry for pod 1. When I press on the button the form for pod 1 opens, so this all works well!

    The question I have is this: do I have to create a relationship field for pod 1 that links it to pod two or is this not always necessary?

    I just started to play with the plugin, but I’m already liking it!


    Plugin Author Jory Hogeveen


    I don’t really understand your question.. if you want a link/relationship, then yes, you need a relationship field.

    Cheers, Jory

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