• Resolved maxvelio


    I am using te classic editor in WordPress (what I understand you call WordPress WYSIWYG editor).

    I have been using your plugin for years and now, for some reason, the tittle I write when editing a link doesn’t store in the link so I need to add it manually in html (what I don’t like at all). I can see the Tittle field appearing in the form and also the rel=”nofollow”. Nevertheless, I see some of the options duplicated (not sure if included in another plug-in or in the last version of WordPress, but I never saw them before).

    This is what I see when creating a new link:

    Enter the destination URL
    - URL: 
    - Title: 
    - Link Text: 
      o Open link in a new tab
      o Add rel="nofollow" to link
      o Add rel="sponsored" to link
      o Add rel="sponsored" attribute
      o Add rel="nofollow" attribute
      o Add rel="UGC" attribute

    Last three appear also when the plug-in is deactivated

    Can you help me in some way to get the tittles stored as always?

    My WordPress is version 6.1


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  • Plugin Author WPKube


    Hi @maxvelio

    Yeah, seems that there is another plugin which does the same thing so they’re conflicting.

    Have you installed any plugins recently that might be also adding those features?

    Also, do those options work fine when our plugin is disabled?

    Thread Starter maxvelio


    Thank you for the answer!

    Yes, I have found where the conflict is. I have installed the SEOpress plugin and it adds the last three options:

    o Add rel=”sponsored” attribute
    o Add rel=”nofollow” attribute
    o Add rel=”UGC” attribute

    The problem is that the only plugin involved in the “Tittle” field (and the only one I have found able to add that info) is yours so I cannot use that feature with both plugins.

    Perhaps you can find out some solution or suggestion. At least, I can deactivate it while writting and activate it again when I find a solution.


    Plugin Author WPKube


    Hi @maxvelio

    Are you able to add a bit of code in the theme’s functions.php file?

    If you can, add this:

    function sk_remove_seopress_link_opts() {
    	wp_dequeue_script( 'seopress-classic' );
    	wp_dequeue_style( 'seopress-classic' );
    } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_editor', 'sk_remove_seopress_link_opts' );

    It will remove the SEOPress code that adds the duplicate functionality causing a conflict.

    Thread Starter maxvelio


    Thanks! I tried… but

    Not an expert in php but I added that code directly at the end of my functions.php file and the site collapsed and stopped working (critical error).

    I wonder if the code is not enough and there is any need to add something more (all functions have at the beginning something like

    if( ! function_exists( ‘function_name’ ) )

    Not sure if that’s necessary or I need to add it in another place.


    Thread Starter maxvelio


    Sorry! Forget it. Looks like copying-pasting the text code changed and some texts were replaced for weird chars.

    I fixed it and it WORKS. Thank you for you support!

    Plugin Author WPKube


    You’re welcome @maxvelio

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