• I have been having problems sending out the main email and/or mail 2, but after a lot of testing, I have finally figured out the problem and can consistently reproduce it.

    The TO field will not allow me to put in a name, I can only put in an email address to get either of the mail 1 or mail 2 to send out. If I try to input something like this for instance: “CompanyName <[email protected]>” or “[name] <[email]>”, it won’t send (I am not including the “” by the way). It will only work if I use an email address only – like this: “[email protected]” or “[email]”.


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  • Thread Starter SunnyOz


    Here is the rest of my post:

    I would prefer to be able to include the CompanyName or Contact Name, but I can live with this until you get it fixed.

    I am having the same problem with the FROM field in Mail 2. I can’t put the CompanyName into the field and get it to send out. (For some strange reason, I am able to use the FROM field properly in the Main mail setup – and have it send out properly.. as in using: “[name] <[email]>”

    However, since I can’t use the Company name, in the FROM field in Mail 2, the word “WordPress” is placed there instead (next to my correct email address). It looks like this: “WordPress <[email protected]>”. Since this eMail is being sent to the person who filled out the form, this looks very unprofessional!!

    Please fix the problem with using a ‘Name” in addition to an email address for the TO and FROM fields on both Mail 1 and Mail 2.

    But in the meantime, can you please tell me where in the code you are placing the word “WordPress” as the default “name” to use, so I can change it to either a blank or something else, until you get a fix for the above.


    RE: But in the meantime, can you please tell me where in the code you are placing the word “WordPress” as the default “name” to use, so I can change it to either a blank or something else, until you get a fix for the above

    This is done by WordPress NOT Contact Form 7 – see Mail that comes through the contact form shows “WordPress” as its sender name. How can I change this?

    Also it looks like your WP hosting might require that any emails being sent via WordPress are from a valid email address on your local domain. – see Ensure proper return address is used.

    Thread Starter SunnyOz


    Thanks for the reply @davmerit, but unfortunately, what you have written doesn’t help with my particular problem.

    I feel my actual problem is that there is a bug in the Contact Form 7 plugin, that won’t allow me to add a ‘sender name’ and/or ‘recipient name’ in 3 out of the 4 TO/FROM fields of MAIL 1 and 2.

    What I want to use is this (but it won’t send out):

    MAIL 1 FROM: [name] <[email]>
    MAIL 1 TO: Company Name [email protected]
    MAIL 2 FROM: Company Name [email protected]
    MAIL 2 TO: [name] <[email]>

    What does work is this:

    MAIL 1 FROM: [name] <[email]>
    MAIL 1 TO: [email protected]
    MAIL 2 FROM: [email protected]
    MAIL 2 TO: <[email]>

    Since I am able to successfully use a ‘sender name’ on the MAIL 1 FROM field.. that makes me fell like it isn’t the hosting or the website that is causing the problem with the other TO/FROM fields.. but rather a bug in the plugin itself.

    So I am awaiting a response from the plugin developer as to what could be causing this problem – or at least a work around, so I can include the sender/recipient names along with the email addresses.


    In response to your two specific points, I will address them below:

    1. I thought that maybe the “WordPress” name was being placed there by WordPress itself, but wasn’t sure.. just thought I would check! The link you sent explains that WordPress is being placed there because I don’t have a ‘sender name‘ in the FROM field. Well.. that is EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO.. BUT CAN’T.. hence the reason I posted asking for help to get this problem fixed. (If I place a ‘sender name’ in front of the MAIL 2 FROM eMail address, the MAIL 2 eMail will not send at all!)

    2. I did consider that the problem might be that I have to ‘send’ from an eMail address from the domain name of the site of the website.. however that doesn’t track with the problems I am having..

    The first eMail (MAIL 1) is sent FROM the address of the person that fills out the form, and is sent TO a domain eMail address. Even though the FROM field is NOT a domain address, this eMail sends fine! (So that proves my hosting package doesn’t “require that any emails being sent via WordPress are from a valid eMail address on your local domain”.) The issue I am having with the first eMail is that I can’t put a ‘recipient name’ in front of the eMail address I am using in the TO field – (which just happens to be a valid domain eMail address.) If I put the recipient name in the TO field (as in “Company Name <[email protected]>”), it will not send.

    The odd note here is that I AM able to put in a ‘sender name’ in the FROM field (for Mail 1 only) – using the fields filled out in the form (as in “[name] <[email]>”.. but this only works on the First eMail – not on the Second eMail.. see below.

    The second eMail (MAIL 2) is sent FROM a domain eMail address, and is sent TO the address of the person that fills out the form. This eMail also sends out fine. The issue I am having with the second eMail is that I can’t put a ‘sender name’ in front of the eMail address I am using in the FROM field (which is a valid domain eMail address – as in “Company Name <[email protected]>”), or a ‘recipient name’ in front of the eMail address I am using in the TO field – (using the fields filled out in the form as in “[name] <[email]>”. If I put the recipient/sender name in the TO/FROM fields it will not send. Because I can’t use the ‘sender name’ in the FROM field in the second eMail (MAIL 2) – this is why I am getting WordPress put in instead.

    I would appreciate any help with figuring out a work around, so I can add the ‘sender name’ or ‘recipient name’ in addition to the eMail addresses, and get the eMails to actually send.


    I am having an issue with the name!!! I cant not send if users enter a space in the text field. John Doe for example will not work… JonDoe will work!!!

    Very annoying and I can not find a thread on it.

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