I’ve written a few lines to list all permalinks from all categories (result here : https://frenchfragfactory.net/ozh/index.php?a=archives )
(there may be a way with built-in templates, but to be honest I didnt really search, I’m more like doing little things myself so I understand how php and mysql work)
The code to do so is :
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_author, post_date, post_title, post_category, post_excerpt, post_name, post_status FROM $tableposts ORDER BY post_date DESC");
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if ($post->post_status == "publish") {
<li class="even"><? the_time('d/m/y') ?> : " rel="bookmark" title="Permanent link : <? the_title_rss() ?>"><? the_title(); ?>
<li class="odd"><? the_excerpt(true); ?> <span class="meta">In: <? the_category(", ") ?> <? edit_post_link("Edit this"); ?></span>
} else { $drafts++;}
if ($drafts) {print "<li class=\"even\">... And still $drafts drafts to be published :)
This needs to be included in a page with the proper header info ($blog=1, include wp-header, etc…, just like the top of index.php)
To list only one category, add WHERE post_category=[number]
in the SQL query string.