Hi @gaianmo,
as a default it sends the email to the main administrator. I mean the email that you find in Settings => General => Administrator email address.
You can change it by using the filter ‘essential_form_admin_email‘,
In functions.php of your child theme or a functional plugin you can use this code:
add_filter( 'essential_form_admin_email', function( $email_to, $post_id ) {
return '[email protected]';
}, 10, 2 );
In a similar way you can change the “email from” with the filter ‘essential_form_email_from‘
The variable $post_id is the ID of the post where you add the form. You can use it in case you want a different email on a specific page where you have the form. If you want the same email everywhere, you can ignore it.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day!