• Hi,
    just installed WordPress and I’m impressed by this package so far.
    Unfortunately I had no luck wiht the “Toggle Visibility” Button from the link adminstration. It responds very quick, but does not update the visibility-status.
    Although on the opensourcecms-demosite this takes some time but works.
    Any ideas?

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  • bard09


    I’ve got the same problem as well. What build are you using, Frankie? I’m using the newest (Feb 20th) Nightly build.
    Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a convienant PHP fix?


    yes, same thing here, the toggle visibility button does not toggle at all.
    Also, as a new user i am wondering why does wordpress uses the old HTTP_*_VARS instead of the newer $_* super globals? and why does sometimes some “notices” appear if the error reporting is set to E_ALL. Are these things planned to be corrected/improved?
    Other than that, i’m really loving the system.

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