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  • Nonsense. You’ll spend hundreds on all the add-ons before even approaching the functionlity of ManageWP.

    And why would you post a 1-star rating because you don’t like the price of something?

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    You might be correct with your last point, my rating was about i’t value compared to Infinite WP, which may be I was wrong evaluating it as a whole, code+value.

    ManageWP is very capable, and worthy of 5 stars in my book, but compared to InfiniteWP, value wise, it is not worth all that money. I can do the same for free.

    Quote: “You’ll spend hundreds on all the add-ons before even approaching the functionlity of ManageWP.” – Try $0, with InfiniteWP.

    “Try $0, with InfiniteWP”
    The first four add-on options listed, for example, are all things I rely on with ManageWP:
    Scheduled Backup – $69
    Cloud Backup – $49
    Install/Clone WP – $99
    Manage Users – $49

    “I can do the same for free”
    You can buy all the add-ons for $586. Why say it’s $0?

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    The main features of InfiniteWP are free – even though this does not sit well with your agenda. For the premium add ons you listed, I can very easily use free plugins from the WP depository, which will cost me… that’s right, $0. That’s why I say $0.

    But even so, let’s say I spend a one time $586 for the add ons that you listed. I manage about 250 sites, if I use your “brilliant” solution, it would cost me $3,563 PER YEAR. That amount again, is PER YEAR !!!

    Glad it works well for you. It sounds like you have a lot of expertise in coding and that you’re comfortable running loads of free plugins on your sites. I try and keep my plugin overhead low on sites, and try and avoid having to troubleshoot conflicts. Also, with free plugins, I’ve found it’s unwise to bank on the plugin developer providing support and updates one, two, three years down the line. But again, if you can manage the code and integrations yourself, it sounds like InfiniteWP works great for you (although, without those basic components I mentioned, I’m not sure what exactly you use it for!)

    My focus is more on marketing and strategy, so I am thrilled to pay ManageWP for their offering. It sounds like we have different values. Best of luck!

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    As a theme developer, coding is not an issue for me.

    If I have to choose between some homework and $3,563 per year, I will choose the homework every single time. At worse scenario I’ll buy the plugins you listed for a one time fee, which is fraction of what I had to pay for ManageWP for ONE YEAR. It’s not even a close decision.

    And after these discussions, ManageWP deserves 0 stars as an overall value. 1 star seems too high now.

    So be thrilled about wasting your money all you want – excellent marketing strategy btw. Best of luck to you too!!!

    Interesting conversation. Don’t believe the one star is a good rating.
    Since everyone’s circumstance is different the “$$” value is different between people. So to rank the over all value of this plugin as 1 star, is well, just isn’t right. Even considering, in your opinion, if this service is expensive, would still not bring it to 1 star, for from it.

    @jjsararas does have an excellent point, this plugin/service allows one to spend more time doing things that will allow you to make way more than the $3,563 it might cost per year. #1 reason small businesses fail they spend all their time working IN their business instead of working ON their business. This service allows us to work ON our business thus giving us a much better ROI.

    Thread Starter nick6352683


    I would absolutely agree, if there wasn’t a free option, that did almost the same thing and even with the paid plugins, it’s a one time fee at a fraction of the cost of this plugin). I have no questions about how good the service is, or even how valuable it is. I’m talking about value here.

    Is it a good value to spend all that money per year, when there is a free alternative? I’m looking at the whole picture and not just this particular plugin itself.

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