I’m not sure how you would conclude that… About 3/4 of new features and changes are for the Free version. I also provide equal support for both versions, as you can probably tell from the support forum at https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/wpsso
The plugin description includes a list of features for the Free version, so users can evaluate if the plugin meets their needs or not:
- Adds Open Graph / Rich Pin meta tags (Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.).
- Configurable image sizes for Open Graph (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) and Pinterest.
- Optional fallback to a default image and video for index and search webpages.
- Supports featured, attached, gallery shortcode, and/or HTML image tags in content.
- Validates image dimensions to provide accurate media for social websites.
- Auto-regeneration of inaccurate / missing WordPress image sizes.
- Support for embedded videos (iframe and object HTML tags).
- Fully renders content (including shortcodes) for accurate description texts.
- Configurable title separator character (hyphen by default).
- Includes author and publisher profile URLs for Facebook and Google Search.
- Includes hashtags from Post / Page WordPress Tags.
- Includes the author’s name for Pinterest Rich Pins.
- Uses object and transient caches to provide incredibly fast execution speeds.
- Includes a Google / SEO description meta tag if a known SEO plugin is not detected.
- Provides Facebook, Google+ and Twitter URL profile contact fields.
- Validation tools and special meta tag preview tabs on admin edit pages.
- Customizable multilingual Site Title and (default) Description texts.
- Contextual help for every plugin option and comprehensive online documentation.
As far as I know, this exceeds the feature list of any comparable Free plugin. The Pro version offers quite a bit more, but not everyone needs all 7 types of Twitter Cards and/or 3rd party plugin and API integration.
I appreciate your feedback, and if you have any suggestions to improve the plugin, you’re more than welcome to open a new thread in the support forum.