Too many categories > problems
I have a great many categories (hundreds). For some time, I have had a gap in the categorties listing in the WRITE window.
Today, a posting with new categories proved to produce really one too many categories and categories ceased to come up, and I got an SQL 127 error.
I found here:
the reply:aprilprincesse
I’ve been searching for the answer to this question for the past week and I finally fixed my problem, maybe this can help you guys.In the admin-functions.php (in your wp-admin) folder find this:
function return_categories_list($parent = 0) {
global $wpdb;
return $wpdb->get_col(“SELECT cat_ID FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE category_parent = $parent ORDER BY category_count DESC LIMIT 100”);See where it says LIMIT 100? I think that limits the number of categories shown to 100, I changed it to 1000 and all my categories appear now in my “Write Post” page. Hope this helps someone!
Posted: 2006-03-14 17:34:54 #
I edited the file, and increased the limit to 5000 (from 100).
Now categories load on my blog, but I find in the WRITE
window, this error:WordPress database error: [File ‘./wp/wp_comments.MYD’ not found (Errcode: 13)]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved = ‘0’Blog is:
Version: 2.0.2
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