• Resolved JoeGP


    Hi, after much debugging with the support team at All In One SEO, they determined that iThemes Security plugin was the cause of the Too many redirects error I was experiencing when trying to log into our website.

    This is what they said:

    Our Development team investigated further and found that on the Network log you sent us, the referer URL has a loggedout parameter, which is something that iThemes Security is adding to their ITSEC_Response::force_logout() method.

    Further, the?iThemes Security?plugin is forcing a logout after a login resulting in a redirect loop.

    link to support post https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/too-many-redirects-error-24/

    But this only happens when the AIOSEO plugin is active so not sure if they are correct.

    Is there some setting I could deactivate to fix that ?

    Let me know if I can provide more info.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi @joegp,

    The iTSec plugin does not use the ITSEC_Response::force_logout() method. Yes it exists, and yes it may add the loggedout url parameter, but it’s not used/called even once by the iTSec plugin … So the loggedout url parameter must be coming from somewhere else …

    The iTSec plugin does make use of the ITSEC_Response::maybe_do_force_logout() method but that method does not add the loggedout url parameter.

    So I guess, it’s back to the drawing board for AIOSEO support ??

    +++++ To prevent any confusion, I’m not iThemes +++++

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by nlpro.

    Hi @joegp,

    If you require no further assistance please mark this topic as ‘Resolved’.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    @nlpro well since you are not with iThemes like you say I’m still waiting for a reply from them.

    Also you expect me to believe the ITSEC plugin does not use the ITSEC method ? then who does ? why is it even in there ?

    I don’t understand why I’m only having this issue on 2 of the websites I work on and all the others, I guess I used slightly different configurations for iThemes. I guess I should just reinstall it and start over.


    This security plugin has had so many iterations (Have a look at the full Changelog), it’s full of stuff (code) no longer used. It’s not an uncommon thing.

    Does the issue reproduce when temporarily deactivating the iTSec plugin on the 2 failing websites?

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    Yes, deactivating the iTSec plugin allows me to log in, but before that it was another plugin and before that yet another (after updating plugins) (you can read about them in the AIOSEO support topic in the first post).

    But the common conflict seems to always be the AIOSEO plugin, but then again I manage dozens of other websites that use most of the same plugins, including iTSec and AIOSEO, and those never have issues like this.

    This is why I thought some iTSec plugin setting/configuration that I did is causing the issue.

    Anyway this isn’t really going anywhere so I guess I should mark this as resolved. I’ve been having this issue for at least 6 months, I’ll just have to keep living with it.

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    It seems you were right, I not only deactivated but uninstalled iThemes Security plugin, logged out, deleted all the cookies and when I tried to log in I still got the Too Many Redirects error, and as soon as I disabled AIOSEO in cPanel I could log in again.

    Hi there, I’m facing exactly the same problem and I do not have installed the iThemes Security plugin.

    If the AIOSEO plugin is activated then when trying to access https://www.subimn.org.uy/wp-admin/ I get the “too many redirects issue” with all that 302 redirections being logged on my Network tab. I deactivated all the plugins but AIOSEO and problem persists.

    If I deactivate AIOSEO I can access https://www.subimn.org.uy/wp-admin/ without problem.

    The only way to access the WP Dashboard with AIOSEO activated is add a wp-dashboard-subpage to the url-path kind of ‘https://www.subimn.org.uy/wp-admin/index.php’ or ‘https://www.subimn.org.uy/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page’ and avoid trying to access https://www.subimn.org.uy/wp-admin/ directly.

    In summary with AIOSEO activated:

    This works

    This does not work and get too many redirects

    Thanks in advance,

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