• Ok, so I have approximately 1300 static pages that I created outside of my normal posts. I created each page separately for a high resolution photograph that was linked to from my post. For example, my original post would have ten thumbnails and clicking each thumbnail would take you to one of these static pages which shows the photograph.

    I’m having a problem now though. Whenever I create a new static page with a photo, it is published but it also brings my entire blog down and I can’t access certain parts of the dashboard like posts and pages. I get fatal error messages like maximum time exceeded etc.

    The only way I can fix this is to go into the database and randomly delete some past static pages. That is the only way for me to get everything working again.

    So my question is: did I hit a limit of how many static pages I can have or is my database simply corrupted?

    And if I did reach a limit on pages, is there another way to deal with publishing these photographs outside of the posts.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the time.

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  • Looks like there might be a solution afterall. Any of you guys want to give this a shot?


    Look for the function named generate_page_rewrite_rules() in the
    wp-includes/functions-post.php file.

    Within that function, look for this line:

    update_option(‘page_uris’, $page_rewrite_rules);

    Right before that line, add this line:


    It should then look like this:

    update_option(‘page_uris’, $page_rewrite_rules);

    I gave this a try myself, and unfortunately it didn’t solve the issue of slow saving and editing of pages.

    Definitely looks like a scaling issue. I’ve opened up a ticket with a 2.2 milestone.

    Ryan wrote: [4773] should help. I thought I checked this in long ago, but evidently I forgot to. Went ahead and put it in 2.1.

    Apparently, 2.1 doesn’t fix the issue either. ??

    can someone make a Big Resume here? The guy is talking about Page and over a Thousand of Them for Pictures…
    About The Thumbnail in Post and Link to static page why u don’t do something like…
    Make a New Post.
    Put Thumbnails in it.
    Then add in code section <!–nextpage–> Put the first Thumbnails Full Size Picture. again Next Page in code Put 2nd Image and so on… then all you would have to do is link Thumbnail to yourpostname/numberOfThePage/ (number of the page is every time u do nextpage.

    Anyway to be sure il go test this.

    Unfortunately, that’s a work around to being able to have many Pages in wordpress.

    This is still an issue that needs to be resolved.

    Any updates on a fix?

    I am having the same problems…. still awaiting a solution… No luck yet.. Everyone try to get in touch with the developers please….

    There’s a patch for 2.3 here https://trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/3614
    Backup everything first and use at your own risk!

    Thanks Bobcat. That almost did it (loads nice and fast), exept now some pages don’t show up in Manage->pages, e.g. no subpages below level 3, and almost no pages with two-digit pageID. Any ideas way?

    Regarding the patch: I’m using the page category organiser-plugin, and it opens its “manage pages -page”without problems. It looks as if it’s using a similar function as the patch above to get the pages to list, so that might be a way to proceed …?

    I mentioned this over on Trac, too, but for anybody interesting in installing this patch…

    I was having site freezing issues b/c of too many pages as well. I looked at my database, and my re-write rules were a mile long. I installed the patch and everything looked OK. A weird side effect, though – children pages off my main blog page are not accessible anymore. I can view them in the manager, and even make edits to them, but trying to view them or access the URL directly generates a 404.

    I have WordPress installed in a subfolder, so most of my pages are actually peers of the blog page and not sub-pages. All of my other pages work just fine, it’s just the sub-pages of the blog that are affected.

    I really hope this problem is addressed in a more comprehensive way for 2.4.

    An update on my previous post – the 404 errors were caused because I’m using a /%postname% permalink structure. Changing it to /%year%/%postname% did the trick.

    After reading all the trac progress i’m both excited for the progress, and dissapointed that /%postname% permalink structure won’t be optimized for speed. I’m using wordpress in a CMS context and having pages named like /2006/contact/ doesnt make much sense… anyone have a better alternative that will still help with speed?

    I’ve been successfully running this patch on a production server for two weeks, and we haven’t crashed again, so at the very least it is a workable solution.

    My WP is set up as a CMS also, and the permalink issue only comes up with posts, not pages, so you should be fine. My pages at the root are /about, /share, etc. Only the blog, which is set up at /listen, is affected by the permalink issue. So individual posts are /listen/2007/post-1, /listen/2007/post-2, etc.

    Since our site was new, moving to a new permalink structure wasn’t such a big deal, for those with more established blogs I imagine it might be a problem. The are supposed to be permalinks, after all.

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