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  • Was looking into the issue myself. Couldn’t find anything so i decided to experiment with it. Here is the solution:

    [ca_audio url_mp3="MP3URL" url_ogg="OGGURL" <strong>css_class="codeart-google-mp3-player"</strong> autoplay="false" download="true" html5="false"]

    You need to embed a css style within the page your posting the player according to the class you have set for the player. Here, my class is codeart-google-mp3-player (default, although you can change this in the settings). To get rid of the extra space below, you need to give it a negative bottom margin. This is how it would look.

    .codeart-google-mp3-player {
      margin-bottom: -40px;

    Here is how it looks with -40px

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