• Systasis Computer Systems


    I’d like to do a better job of recording what environmnent and git commit id produce a trunk/ commit.
    What’s the best way to record the contents of the following file created in /tmp/ in a trunk/ commit?

    # get build info
    rm -rf /tmp/.git-commit-id
    tree=git symbolic-ref --short HEADCOMPILER=php -v | head -1
    VERSION=git log $tree --decorate | head -1
    printf "%s\n%s\n" $COMPILER $VERSION > /tmp/.git-commit-id

    I can’t put this file into a .zip intended for installation via

    git archive --output=$NAME.zip $TREE $PATH --add-file=/tmp/.git-commit-id

    I’m thinking the best way to do this is a substitution sentinal in the README . An unused header (for retrieval via grep) field?

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