• I am trying to display top 20 most popular tags in my blog.
    So I chose
    – Maximum tags: 20
    – Order tags by: count
    – Tag order direction: descending

    But I got wasn’t what I expected.
    The result looks like a sorted list of first 20 tags in tag db (sorting after selection).
    It’s not top 20 popular tags among whole tags (selection after sorting).

    Is there any plan to fix this?

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  • I cannot fix it, because it’s normal for wordpress.
    I use standart wordpress function – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/wp_tag_cloud
    And I cannot change this function.

    Thread Starter hoojung


    I managed to implement the function i need by adding a few lines of code to your plugin. (some of configurable parts are hard-coded)

           $myArray = explode('\n', $l_tag_cloud_text);
           $myArray2 = array_slice($myArray, 0, 20);
           $new_cloud_text = implode(' ', $myArray2);

    and echoed the new_cloud_text rather than $l_tag_cloud_text, which is the return of wordpress API.

    It would be great if you can add the implementation to your plug-in if you have time. Anyway, your plugin is very simple and great to use. Thanks.

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