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  • Thread Starter Chris


    also: fyi:
    WP 3.1.2

    one site: theme: twentyten
    one site: theme: solostream’s WP-Davinici

    did you ever figure this out? I’m having the same problem

    Thread Starter Chris


    Hi Danielball,

    I had finally resolved this issue – and forgot I even posted this!

    I don’t know what/how much you know about coding, so I’m just going to explain what I learned/did.

    It took me a while, but it was all related to the z-index in the theme style.css file. (I learned the z-index is HTML’s way of creating layers on the web. And, I recommend using the custom.css file, if you’re theme provides one.)

    In the CSS file, find “#topnav .limit {
    Add or change the “z-index:” to 1,2, 3 or ….?
    I just tweaked the z-index till it worked…
    Mine shows:
    #topnav .limit {z-index:5;}

    toy with changing the z-index, until you get the layering effect you want with the nav.

    You can read more about z-index here:
    (or google z-index)

    I hope that works for you! please let me know if not, I’ll do what I can to help!!

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