• Sorry guys, very new to wordpress. Did search but couldn’t really get the answer i wanted. Basically, I uploaded the wp in a subdirectory of my site using fantastico in cpanel.

    What i wanted to happen is to be able to have a top navigation bar link and be able to place the home link to the actual homepage of my site. I thought I’ll be able to do this by downloading NAVT but i was unsuccessful. For some reason after clicking activate from my admin/plugins page, the blog page shows this error below. Dont have a clue what it means.

    Fatal error: Undefined class name ‘navt’ in /home/—–/public_html/blog/wp-content/plugins/display/navt-display.php on line 44
    I’m using the default theme – kubrick
    can anyone help me please.

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  • Thread Starter smallville12345


    sorry what i meant is wordpress default 1.6. Perhaps, what i downloaded isn’t compatible. but is there anyway i can have a top navigation bar? and how. as previously mentioned my wp is in subdirectory ie. domain.com/blog.

    and what i wanted to happen is when i’m in domain.com/blog the top navigation bar will show Home Blog etc. where clciking the Home link will take me to domain.com page again.

    Many Thanks. Hope it makes sense.

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