• Resolved DiverseMedicine


    The top of my home page is cutting off. I think it started after I upgraded my buddypress but I am uncertain if that’s the issue. I use a lot of plugins so do not know how to alter my code to correct it. here is my site. advice is welcomed! thanks.


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  • not just the home page – other pages (possibly all pages) as well.

    check your stylesheets for any negative top margins…

    like this one from /wp-content/themes/buddyboss/_inc/css/default.css:

    body {
    	font-size: 12px;
    	line-height: 18px;
    	color: #666666;
    	position: relative;
    	padding-top: 0 !important; /* Remove the top padding space for the BuddyBar in this theme */
    	margin: -28px auto 0;
    	*margin: 0 auto; /* IE7 and below */

    please contact the developer of your theme for support.


    Thread Starter DiverseMedicine


    hmmmm. i’m not very familiar with the coding at all. the funny thing is that once a user logs in, the problem is corrected.

    once a user logs in, the problem is corrected.

    in this case, possibly the admin bar is overwriting the body margins, and pushing the site down.

    if you assume that the problem with the negative top margin is a theme problem, contact the developer.

    Thread Starter DiverseMedicine


    thanks. i upgraded to the latest version of my theme (buddyboss). working now.

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