• I am very impressed with the “WP CRM System” plugin. I have spent months, literally months, trying to code for myself a plugin that will do what this one does. It works out of the box. It has all the logic built in, to associate the various Custom Post Types with each other. It is well-coded and does not clutter up the database with unnecessary tables. I read some of the other reviews and I thought they were unnecessarily critical. If you want to add more fields to the contact record, just click “Screen Options” from the top of the screen, and select the “Custom Fields” checkbox. This functionality is built into WordPress, the plugin does not have to offer it separately. [correction: I see now that the plugin removes this default behavior.] In another review, someone criticized the way this plugin is coded, and I can’t figure out why. This plugin is written in tidy procedural code that uses action hooks in the proper WordPress manner. Extending a plugin is always very difficult; but if you aren’t familiar with writing plugin extensions, that’s not a good reason to diss on the plugin itself. Finally, someone called the optional paid extensions “nickel and diming.” It looks to me like the optional extensions are optional, and the completely free plugin works just fine without them. The optional extensions do look like they provide useful additional features; and if you want to get fancy, it’s reasonable to support the developer and buy the optional extensions. This plugin is NOT bloated with nags and alerts as so many other plugins are. This plugin offers a fully functional system, completely for free. It is not a demo. It does not require a subscription to some other service. You don’t have to pay for an upgrade to make it work. The data is stored on your own server, where you have complete control over it. Some future feature requests might include integrated data capture from front-end contact forms and/or WooCommerce sales in real time; and a component-based estimate generating system that’s as robust as the built-in project management system currently is. But those are feature requests; not criticisms. I think this plugin is excellent. I would highly recommend this plugin to sales-driven organizations; especially companies that generate estimates, convert those estimates into projects, break those projects into tasks, and assign those tasks to specific users. Five stars!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Jesse Smith (Mardesco). Reason: Correction re: custom fields
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