Top Rated Posts Widget Would not Display Top Posts
To 5 CPT posts don’t display to be precise. I have a pro version. Checked many things and I was not able find a solution. I may still be doing something wrong, but I was very methodical and at the end when I turned debugging on the error pointed its fingers to widget.php from CRFP folder with this: “Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /…./public_html/wp-content/plugins/comment-rating-field-pro-plugin/includes/global/widgets.php on line 75” I would not change plugin code as a matter of principle, but I wanted to see what would fix this issue. The only thing that fixed was when I commented out this: /* ( strpos( $instance[‘postTypeOrTerm’], ‘_’ ) !== false) {
list( $post_type, $taxonomy, $term ) = explode( ‘_’, $instance[‘postTypeOrTerm’] );
} else {
$post_type = $instance[‘postTypeOrTerm’];
} */ and replaced it with the one line from the else statement above independently/outside of “if” logic. You might have a reason, but sorry I don’t understand why you are parsing for “_”, etc…. Also, any other solution is welcome. Thanks
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